
Friday 29 May 2020

Summary of mindset: how positive thinking will set you free & help you achieve massive success in your life

Summary of mindset: how positive thinking will set you free & help you achieve massive success in your life

In this book you will learn how positive thinking will change your life. Mindset in very important for everything you done in your life. Because whatever you think in your mind you did that. Positive thinking is helpful to you from fear, bad thinking. And you feel relax.


Hello guys,
My name is Roshan verma and today i will told you summary of book mindset by Benjamin Smith. This book will help you 
how positive thinking will set you free & help you achieve massive success in your life. 

About this book:

Name: mindset : how positive thinking will set you free & help you achieve massive success in your life
Author: Benjamin Smith

This book is very useful for ethics exam in upsc civil service examination.

Summary of mindset: how positive thinking will set you free & help you achieve massive success in your life

Why the need to embrace positive thinking: 
Positive thinking will free you? Free you for what, positive thinking will free you from nagative thought. When you say i can't do that instead of saying that you can say i can do that. Both sentance are clearyfing how you think. When you think that i can't do that , so you can not do  that in future also. Because your mind always think that this thing is not for me and i can't do that.

But when you think positively you can do anything. When you don't know anything but you think positively so you will learn and do that. So, it's all about our mindset how we think it's very important. 

When you free from nagative thought, positive thinking will help you to do more thing in your life  and possibility is increase. Negative thoughts will restricted to do more things. Before you think positively make sure your mind is opened minded and free from any sources.

Positive thinking is help you to build a new activities in your life. And open a different ways of outcome in your life.

How to develop positive mindset: understanding that you possess the ultimate power over yourself

' i can't change the direction of the wind , but i can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." Jimmy Dean"

Look the above quotes and think in your mind what does in mean for and told me your views about it in below comments section.

Your mind is broadly divided into two types 

  1. Conscious
  2. Subconscious

Conscious mind is alert as compare to subconscious mind. Conscious mind will perform daily function of life and aware about what happening around you,when you awake what you think this all functions perform by the conscious mind.

Subconscious mind is taking care of are all functions, memory , thoughts. Subconscious mind is persorm in a specific area.

 How Develop a positive thinking process?

Firstly you need to know from were you get nagative thoughts. In this book there is many ways from were you indentity nagative thoughts process come to your mind just like, predicting you future, mind reading etc. 

When you indentity from where nagative thoughts cames than replace the nagative thoughts into positive thoughts. Always learn something new that will help you to diversify your mind from nagative thoughts.

Start practicing self talk,
Start talking with you positively. And don't compare yourself with others. And when you compare yourself with others so compare positively. Don't think that i can't do this, think i can do this. Don't use nagative word in your mind. Always smile and think positively. I am a ias aspirant i always learn something new in all days and. Never think nagative thoughts.

Also read ;

Appreciate yourself:

When you start appreciate yourself, so you see nagative thoughts is go far away from your mind. Have you ever think why i can't achieve the goals, and why i am not passionated towards my goals. Because there something bad thoughts who stop you to do that. When you start appreciate yourself so you think i can do more for myself.

Do only yourself and do more for yourself because when you are happy so positive thinking always there in your mind. And you start looking the area around you in a different manner.

Become mindful of the nagative thoughts to eradicate them.

Firstly you start slow breathing. In very compact situation your mind is stop working and you don't know what to do start slow breathing and think all is well when your mind is cool your breathing is normal you stop feeling nurvous so automatically the right ways come to you.

Start concentration whatever you did in your life. Give yourself a daily task and try to complete. 

Finding the good in every bad situation

Some tips help yout to figure out good in worst situation:
 Firstly find the quote that speaks to you and print that quote and paste in your bedroom hall or around you. Quote like

'Every bad situation will have something positive, even a dead clock shows correct time twice a day, stay positive in life, god knows what best for you.....! 

' A problem bis a chance for you to do your best ,'-  duke Ellington

'The greater the difficulty, the more glory is surrounding it, skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests';- epicetus.

Practicing NLP techniques for developing A positive mindset

First what is NLP? NLP is neuro linguistic programming is invented by dr Richard bandler in 1970s. he define " a system of alternative therapy based on this which seeks to educate people i self awareness and effective communication andbto change their pattern of mental and emotional behaviour."

NLP means in simple word personal development and communication skill.

There are two type of NLP techniques.

  1. Self anchoring
  2. Content reframing

So guy's here is the summary of book mindset by Benjamin Smith. We all have to read this book once in our life this esily available to you on online and e- copy  available in internet also. So if you have any doubt you can contact me (  this is my mail id and i give you assurance that i reply all your mail. You can drop a question in  Comment box and tell me how was the article in comments section. If you like the article you can share with your friends , family and social media.

🙏 We need your support and trust. Share this link if it's helpful for your friends and family🙏


  1. i read a lot of stuff and i found that the way of writing to clearifing that exactly want to say was very good so i am impressed and ilike to come again in future.. silata na misulta
