
Saturday 6 June 2020

INDIAN CITIZENSHIP ACT, 1955- all you need to know about citizenship act,1955

INDIAN CITIZENSHIP ACT, 1955- all you need to know about citizenship act,1955

In Indian citizenship act 1955,Any person born in India on or after 26 January 1950, but prior to the commencement of the 1986 Act on 1 July 1987, is a citizen of India by birth. A person born in India on or after 1 July 1987 but before 3 December 2004 is a citizen of India if one of parents was a citizen of India at the time of the birth.

Hello guys,
My nane is Roshan verma, and i am here to  share you information related to the citizenship act, 1955 of the Indian constitution.

Indian citizenship act,1955.

How is Citizenship Defined?

Citizenship signifies the relationship between individual and state. 
Like any other modern state, India has two kinds of people—citizens and aliens. Citizens are full members of the Indian State and owe allegiance to it. They enjoy all civil and political rights.

The constitutional deal with the citizenship from article 5 to 11 and part ll

advantages of being citizen 

  • some fundamental right
  •  Right to vote
  •  constitutional post
  •  contest election 
  • fundamental duties 

article 5

  •  Domicile and 
  • born  in india
  •  either of his parent born in india
  •  ordinary resident in india 5 year period to commencement of the constitution of india. 

article 6

Article 6  deal with migration.

  •  he was born in india
  •  parent where born in india and
  •  grandparents airborne in india 
  •  migrated to india before 19 July 1948
  •  Migrated after 19 July 1948

before, than there is no problem. you become citizen of india ,but migrated after 19 July 1948, then you  have to make it application authority decided by law.

 if only possible when you have been in india at 6 month before making application 

article 7 

Article 7 deals with reverse migration.

 migrated to pakistan after 1st March 1947 then you are not citizen of india.

 but, return under permit for settlement of permanent return you have to make a application for concern authority.  you have  to fill application authority decided by law if only possible when you have been in india at least 6  month before making application.

 Article 8

Article 8 deal with registration. 

  • he was born in india
  •  parent were born in india
  •  grandparents were borne in india
 then no require of registration.

ordinary registration out of india registered with counselor representative of diplomat outhside india. 

article 8 deals  with register outside india means we are requiring citizenship.

Article 9

You are not a citizen, if voluntarily acquire foreign citizenship.
Because india there is single citizenship not dual citizenship.

Article 10

deemed to be a citizen -  continue to be a citizen unless.....
by law or any parliamentary law.

Article 11

parliament have power to determine acquisition / termination of citizenship after 26 January 1950.

Citizenship act, 1955

This act has been amended so far  9 times 
By the following act,

The citizenship act, 1957
The repealing and amendment act, 1960
The citizenship amendment act 1985
The citizenship amendment act 1986
The citizenship amendment act 1992
The citizenship amendment act 2003
The citizenship amendment act 2005
The citizenship amendment act 2015
The citizenship amendment act 2019

Also read,

Acquisition of citizenship

By birth 

  • born in India 
  • after 26 January 1950 before 1st July 1986 citizenship 
  • on or after 1st July 1987 parents are citizen
  •  after 3rd December 2004 both parent are citizen or other is not an illegal migrant

By descent

  • Born outside India
  •  after 26 January 1950 - before 10 December 1992,father must be citizen at the time of his birth
  •  after 10 December 1992 their parents are citizen
  •  after 3 December 2004 compulsory registration within one year and it will be extendable

By naturalization

  • Not an illegal migrant
  •  not in a country which does not allowed renounce previous 
note:-internet provider in naturalization citizenship to those country who do not provide their natural addition citizenship to our people

Ordinary resident one year before application + 11 years in last 14 year
 good character + language + intention

By incorporation

Loss of citizenship

  • Renunciation
  • (Renunciation means give away of citizenship voluntarily)
  • Termination
  • By deprivation

Single citizenship

India has single citizenship India do not follow USA . USA has a dual citizenship

Here, i try to cover all important part of the citizenship act,1955 in short notes basis that make you understand easily, So if you have any doubt you can contact me (  this is my mail id and i give you assurance that i reply all your mail. You can drop a question in  Comment box and tell me how was the article in comments section. If you like the article you can share with your friends , family and social media.

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